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Canopus Imaginate 2.0 Free Download

THEMAGAZINEInSoftware Downloads:Tipsand Advice:Fire-wireCampaign:Canopus Imaginate2V1of Imaginate gave editors the chance to add animated stills to projectswith much more control than standard image-panning filters in videoediting software. The MkII version adds smart wizards, multiple-imagesupport and the ability to include audioThe first versionof Canopus's rostrum camera simulation program Imaginate impressed uswhen we first looked at it. It offered editors plenty of control inanimating still images, and also worked as a plug-in for Adobe Premiereand Canopus's own video editing programs. However, we thought that theprogram's price - £175 (inc VAT) was too high and likely to limitsales. This shortcoming was underlined with the arrival of Lumidium'sexcellent still-image animation program, DigiRostrum, available in itsDV version for just £50. And DigiRostrum also came out on topfor its more intuitive style of operation.V2 of Imaginate sees the price cut to a more reasonable £139,but the on-going benefit of having it operate as a plug-in doesn't justifythe extra cost over DigiRostrum DV. There has to be a bigger draw forit to prove its worth and, to this end, Canopus has taken a more globalapproach to the idea of still image animation - adding the ability tocreate self-contained image montages with soundtracks, and motion-menusequences for DVD projects.Another major enhancement - at least for some - is the addition of smartwizards.

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These serve to guide the user in ways they perhaps hadn't consideredwhen putting images together, and also act as a showcase for what theprogram can do.In this way, Canopus hopes that Imaginate 2 will appeal to advancedusers and entry-level beginners alike. And it isn't just the inclusionof smart wizards that's designed to help newbies on-board. For instance,while all the functionality of a precise image animation program lieswithin, unless disabled, every click on features within the main interfacebrings up a window explaining what that particular function does. Thisis the default style of operation when Imaginate is first started up,but the ability to disable these pop-up windows also applies to dialoguessuch as delete confirmation, which can be useful for speeding up workflow.ConclusionVersion 2 of Imaginate offers some significant advances that make theprogram considerably more capable. The wizards and multi-image capabilitywill help quickly put together shots in an original and richer formatthan an average photo editor, and the way in which audio is now supportedmakes it easy to cut still image sequences to sound.There are disappointments, though. The usability is not up to the standardof Lumidium's cheaper rival, and for a program that comes so well-presented- with a glossy manual and extensive on-screen help - it's surprisingto find that there are still some quirks to be ironed out, notably thereversion to fit-on-screen magnification when saving a project and theproblem of out-of-reach spline handles.

Canopus Imaginate 2.0 Free Download Download Softonic

Canopus Imaginate 2.0 Free Download

We'd also like to have seenTwain support in this new version of Imaginate, allowing users to scanimages directly into the program.As it stands, Imaginate 2 offers an interesting and useful toolset formaking multimedia discs and stills sequences for video projects. However,more attention needs to be paid to certain aspects of operation, sowe'd advise waiting for a further update - hopefully in the form ofa further free service pack - or opting for DigiRostrum if sound andmulti-image capability aren't a priority.Hugo FrazerRecent features.Reviewed in this issue:In January's news.

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