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Best Handicapping Software For Horse Racing

Why Do You Love To Bet Horses? A Survey Of Horse Racing Bettors Revealed Answers Like The Following: Horse Racing Is Fantastic Entertainment, Bettors Love To Show Their Friends How Smart They Are, Bettors Want To Make Money, Betting Horses Is Like Solving A Puzzle, Horses Are Beautiful, Some People Actually Like The Torture Of Losing, And People Just Love The Sport. Why Do You Love To Bet Horses?

Is Making Money Part Of The Attraction For You? Does Making Money Even Matter To You? If Your Answer Is Yes Then You Owe It To Yourself to Keep Reading. Here Is Our Promise To You. If You Keep Reading You Will Learn How To Win Long Term At The Races Without Spending A Dime! Discover The Secret For Free!

No Strings Attached! You Do Not Have To Subscribe To Anything. The Hope Is You Will Want To Subscribe To Winnermetrics Algorithm Factors Once You Understand What It Takes To Win Long Term. Whether You Subscribe Or Not You Will Know What It Takes To Be A Consistent Winner At The Race Track. Please Do Not Take Our Word For It. You Are Encouraged To Keep Reading And Then Do Your Own Research. You Will Find The Key Revealed Here Is Little Known, But 100% Accurate!Picking More Winners Will Never Make You A Winner!

Picking More Winners Will Never Make You A Winner Because You Are Not Focusing On Making A Profit. You Are Not Considering The Mathematics Of Gambling. As A Court Recognized Expert In The Mathematics Of Gambling And An Adjunct Professor Of Mathematics My Promise To You Is That Betting On Horses Is Gambling And The Mathematics Of Gambling Control Whether You Win Or Lose. The Number Of Winners You Have At The Race Track Has Nothing To Do With Whether You Win Or Lose. The Secret To Winning At The Race Track Is Really Quite Simple When You Incorporate The Mathematics Of Gambling. All You Have To Do Is Make Money Matter By Focusing On Making A Profit With Every Single Bet.

Never Make A Bet Where You Do Not Have An Advantage. If You Honestly And Truly Follow That One Simple Rule You Will Become A Long Term Winner At The Race Track. It Really Is That Simple.

The Question Is How Do You Know When You Have An Advantage?Only Make A Bet When You Have An Advantage And You Will Win Long Term! That Is The Key To Becoming A Consistent Winner. Now You Know What It Takes To Win Consistently At Any Form Of Gambling, Including Horse Racing.

The Problem Is How Do You Know When You Have An Advantage? In Most Gambling Situations It Is Absolutely Impossible To Gain An Advantage. Think Casinos.

The House Sets The Odds. Therefore, It Is Impossible To Gain An Advantage In Every Casino Game Except Blackjack. Remember, I Am A Court Recognized Expert In The Mathematics Of Gambling. I Also Worked Over Five Years Using That Skill At A Major Atlantic City Casino. There Is Absolutely No Way To Win At Any Of The Casino Games Legally With The Exception Of Blackjack.

If You Happen To Be Highly Skilled In Blackjack Then The Casino Will Do Everything In Its Power To Make Sure You Lose Your Advantage.There Are Times When You Have An Advantage Over The Public In Horse Racing! Good News For You. In Horse Racing All You Have To Do Is Only Make A Bet When You Have An Advantage. If You Follow That One Simple Rule You Will Win Consistently.

How Do I Know? I Am An Expert In The Mathematics Of Gambling. I am Telling You That Whether You Win Or Lose At Gambling Is Controlled Mathematically By The Expected Value Equation. Please Do Not Take My Word For It. Research The Expected Value Equation For Yourself!How Do You Know When You Have An Advantage? You Have An Advantage When The Actual Payoff Is Higher Than The Probability Of The Payoff Happening. If You Are Flipping A Coin And Call 'Heads' Then The Probability of Heads Coming Up Is 50% Because Heads Will Come Up Half Of The Time And Tails The Other Half Of The Time Since There Are Only Two Possible Outcomes.

Therefore, The Fair Actual Payoff Of Heads Is 1/1. However, Suppose The Actual Payoff On Heads Was 2/1? All You Have To Do Is Bet Heads Every Time And You Will Become Rich! If You Want To Bet Horses And Win Consistently All You Need To Know Is The Probability Of The Payoff Happening For Every Horse In The Race. Simply Stated, You Need A Source Of Accurate Odds For Every Horse In The Race.

Then All You Have To Do Is Bet A Horse Only When The Horse's Actual Post Time Odds Are Higher Than The Accurate Odds Provided By Your Source.It's Simple. Losing At The Race Track Day After Day Is Terrible. Horse Racing Bettors Are Actually Trying To Make Money By Predicting The Future. More Specifically, Horse Racing Bettors Are Trying To Predict The Future Outcome Of The Race That Is About To Run. Predicting The Future Is No Easy Task.

Most Horse Racing Bettors Fail! The Human Brain Just Cannot Do What An Algorithm Can Do. Are You Here Because You Rarely Win At The Race Track?

Best Handicapping Software For Horse Racing

Horse Racing Bettors Are Often Miserable And Need Something Better. Have You Ever Had A Fabulous Day At The Races Only To Lose Most Of Your Money Back Your Next Day At The Races? Have You Ever Had Lots Of Winners, But Barely Made Any Money? Have You Ever Cursed The Fact You Have Gotten Really Close To Consistent Winning At The Horse Races, But Can't Seem To Get Over The Hump? Predicting The Future Is Very Hard!Predictive Analytics Comes To The Rescue.

Success Is Predictable. Predictive Analytics Is The Practice Of Extracting Information From Existing Data Sets In Order To Predict The Future. Predictive Analytics Forecasts What Might Happen In The Future With An Acceptable Level Of Reliability. Horse Racing Algorithms Provide Accurate Win Probabilities For Every Horse In The Race Plus A View Of How The Race Will Run And Finish With An Acceptable Level Of Reliability. Algorithms Are What Makes It Possible For You To Use And Benefit From The Expected Value Equation And The Mathematics Of Gambling. Using Algorithms Is Easy.

Winnermetrics Has Completed All Of The Hard Work For You. All Of The Winnermetrics Algorithms Are Ready For Immediate Use. All You Have To Do Is Make The Decision To Use Algorithms And Only Place A Bet When You Have An Advantage.Horse Racing Bettors Are Stuck In Medieval Times. In Ancient Times When Kings And Monarchs Ran Their Best Horse In A Race They Had One Goal In Mind. The Only Thing That Mattered To Them Was Winning The Race For Pride And Maybe Money. Making Money Was And Remains Secondary In Many Caes.

That Outdated Thinking Continues To This Day. People Who Bet Horses Today Think Only In Terms Of Picking Winners Without Giving Any Thought To Actually Making Money.

Such Thinking Will Never Lead A Horse Racing Bettor To Winning On A Long Term, Consistent Basis. Such Thinking Is Just Wrong And Leads To Losing Money.

Picking Winners Will Feed Your Ego, But Will Never Put Food On The Table. Horse Racing Bettors Today Should Be Thinking In Terms Of Money. More Specifically, Horse Racing Bettors Should Be Thinking Strictly In Terms Of Making A Profit When Betting Horses. If Horse Racing Bettors Are Not Thinking In Terms Of Profit Then Their Focus Is Misplaced And All They WIll Ever Do Is Lose.Horse Racing Bettors Have To Give Up Deeply Ingrained Losing Methods. When Horse Racing Bettors Are Trying To Pick A Winner They Are Doing The Wrong Thing.

Even Worse, They Are Asking All Of The Wrong Questions. Horse Racing Bettors May Be Asking About Such Things As Trainer, Jockey Or Race Shape. None Of Those Questions Will Lead Horse Racing Bettors To Become A Long Term, Consistent Winner. Looking At One, Two Or Three Key Factors For Each Horse Will Lead Horse Racing Bettors To Betting One Of The Low Odds Favorites Most Of The Time When They Should Really Be Looking For A Way To Make Money Betting The Race.Horse Racing Algorithms Identify Ways To Make Money In A Race. The Problem Is Not Really How You Handicap Or Pick Winners. The Problem Is Most Horse Racing Bettors Are Not Keeping Their Eyes On The Ball. The Problem Is Most Horse Racing Bettors Never Even Think Of Making A Profit Or Even Determining Whether They Will Actually Make MoneyIf They Place A Bet.

Winnermetrics Horse Racing Algorithms Helps You Focus On And Answer That Critical Question. Will You Make A Profit If You Place The Bet? Do You Have An Advantage Over The Betting Public?When You Are Gambling You Should Only Make A Bet When You Have An Advantage. Never, Never, Never Place A Bet Unless You Have An Advantage!! Betting On Horses Is Gambling Pure And Simple. All Of The Rules That Apply To Gambling Apply To Every Bet You Make On A Horse. In Most Forms Of Gambling It Is Impossible To Gain An Advantage Because The House Sets All Of The Rules And Always Has The Advantage.

However, There Are A Very Few Exceptions! Mathematicians And Statisticians Proved That The Probability Of The Blackjack Player Winning Changes Based On Every Card That Is Played. Card Counting At The Blackjack Table Quickly Became A Headache For Casinos Worldwide. Card Counters Knew When They Had An Advantage Over The House And Only Made Large Bets When They Had A Firm Advantage Over The House. Horse Racing Is Not So Different From Card Counting!It Is Possible To Gain An Advantage Over The Public Betting Horses.The Fabulous News Is That The Betting Public Sets The Odds In Horse Racing When Placing A Bet Through The Pari-Mutuel System. Why Is That Such Good News? The Public Makes Mistakes.

When The Public Thinks Too Highly Of A Horse Then The Horse Is A Bad Value Bet Because The Horse Is Overbet. When The Public Thinks Too Poorly Of A Horse Then The Horse Is A Good Value Bet Because The Horse Is Underbet. If You ONLY Bet Horses Which Will Pay More Than Their Chances Of Winning Then You Will Have An Advantage Over The Betting Public And Make Money Long Term.Winning A Horse Race Is A Complex Process. Unlike Simple Things Such As A Toilet Or Bicycle, Horses Are Living Animals And Determining The Winner Of A Horse Race Is A Very Complex Process. The Outcome Cannot Be Easily Determined By Knowing Individual Components.

For Example, You Will Never Be A Long Term Winner If You Just Bet The Top Jockey Or The Early Speed Horse. In Reality, Many Factors Contribute To A Horse Winning A Race.

Every Race Has Different Factors With Different Levels Of Importance Compared To Prior Races. This Is The Reason That The Betting Public Underestimates And Overestimates Horses In Many Races. Remember, When The Public Makes A Mistake Then You Can Use Algorithms To Make A Profit.Most Bettors Think They Know More Than They Do. Every Time A Bettor Thinks They Have Figured Out The Race Something Unexpected Happens And They Lose The Race.

Bettors Often Rely On Their Own Knowledge Gained Over Years Of Betting Horses Or What They Read In A Book Written By A So Called Expert. Unfortunately, Most Bettors Wind Up Losing Most Of The Time. Their Knowledge And The Writings Of Experts Has Failed Them Once Again. The Answer Is Virtually Every Expert Focuses On How To Pick A Winner. That Is Simply Wrong! Your Focus Has To Be On Making Money!Make It As Simple As Possible, Please. Albert Einstein Suggested That 'Everything Should Be Made As Simple As Possible, But Not Simpler.'

Figuring Out Which Horse Will Win A Horse Race Is Not Simple. Most Races Have 50 Or More Statistically Significant Factors Which Contributes To Which Horse Wins The Race. The Human Brain Just Cannot Deal With So Many Factors. However, Figuring Out How To Make A Profit Betting Horses Is Simpler With The Use Of Algorithms. Science And Mathematics Actually Can Make The Complex Much Simpler.The Objective Of Betting On Horses Is To Make Profitable Bets. All Horse Race Bettors Must Apply The Mathematics Of Gambling To Every Single Bet They Make. If Horse Racing Bettors TRULY Desire To Consistently Make Money Betting On Horses Then They MUST Become Aquainted With The Mathematics Of Gambling.

Eventually Every Horse Racing Bettor Will Want To Use Horse Racing Algorithms To Take Advantage Of The Mathematics Of Gambling As Applied To Horse Racing. There Is No Escaping It. Horse Racing Algorithms Are Exactly What All Horse Racing Bettors Need In Order To Become Long Term, Consistent Winners. It Is Time For You To Take A Little Closer Look At The Nature Of Horse Racing Betting.Is Any Price Too High To Pay? There Is An Old Saying That You Can Beat A Race, But You Can't Beat The Races.

That Saying Is A Myth! The Real Truth Is That There Is Absolutely No Such Thing As A Sure Bet. Think Of The Last 'Bridge Jumper' Sure Thing That Lost. There Are Plenty Of Examples.

The Truth Is The Correct Saying Is, 'You Can't Beat Any Given Race, But You Can Beat The Races.' Apply The Science Of Algorithms!No Amount Of Money Is Too Much To Pay To Beat The Races. Millions Of Dollars Are Bet At Race Tracks Across America. Now Is The Time For you To Get Your Fair Share Using The Science Of Algorithms. The Best News Of All Is That Winnermetrics Allows You To Start Using The Science Of Algorithms At A Fair Price.

Isn't It Time For you To Stop Losing And Go After A Better Tomorrow?Do You Hate Losing At The Race Track? It Is A Terrible Feeling When You Lose Your Hard Earned Money Betting Horses!

Even Worse Is The Fact It Is Not Necessary For You To Lose Your Hard Earned Money At The Race Track. When It Comes To Betting On Horses Or Any Other Form Of Gambling You Must Use Mathematics And Science To Your Advantage. It Is Not Hard If You Can Apply Two Simple Rules. The Guiding Principle For Betting On Horses Is To Only Make A Bet When You Have An Advantage.

You Can Think Of It As Card Counting For Horses.More And More Horse Players Are Becoming Loyal Lovers Of Algorithms. There Is Only One Way To Know If You Have An Advantage When Placing A Bet. You Have An Advantage When The Horse You Want To Bet Will Pay More Than Its Probability Of Winning.

All You Need To Do Is Make Use Of Science And Algorithms Which Tell You Each Horse's Chances Of Winning The Race. Simply Bet Horses Which Will Pay More Then The Algorithm Amount And Then You Can Win At The Race Track Long Term. There Is No Need To Worry That You Are Not Mathematically Inclined.

The Hard Work Has Already Been Done For You By Winnermetrics. Simply Stated In English (translated From Mathematics), The Key To Winning Money At The Race Track Is To Bet Undervalued Horses. That Means Betting Against The Public When The Public Is Making A Mistake.Picking More Winners At The Race Track Will Never Make You A Consistent Winner! That Is Our 100% Guarantee. Do Not Take Our Word For It. You Can Research The Issue For Yourself. Do A Search For ' Expected Value Equation In Gambling' And You Will Find The Answer To Winning At The Race Track.

The The Answer Is The Expected Value Equation Which Tells You The Amount The Bettor Can Expect To Win Or Lose By Placing Any Given Bet. The Expected Value Equation, Which Has A Few Different Names And Versions, Is How Casinos And Every Other Gambling Establishment Survive. In Order To Use The Expected Value Equation At The Race Track You Only Need To Know Two Things. You Need To Know The Actual Post Time Odds Of Every Horse In The Race And Every Horse's Chances Of Winning The Race. With Those Two Pieces Of Information You Can Expect To Consistently Win At The Race Track.It Really Is That Easy! Here Is The Catch!

Casinos Make Money Month After Month. Casinos Rely On The Expected Value Equation. However, There Is More To The Story.

It Is Absolutely, 100% True Casinos Rely On The Expected Value Equation And The Casinos Have Set The Odds In Their Favor. Therefore, Casinos Cannot Possibly Lose Over Time. The Operative Words Are 'Over Time'.

The Rest Of The Story Is The Casinos Have Millions And Millions Of Hands Of Blackjack, Spins Of The Roulette Wheel And Throws Of The Dice. On Any Given Bet The Casinos Can And Do Lose Regularly. However, 'Over Time' The Effects Of The Expected Value Equation Control The Ultimate Outcome And The Casinos Win Money Month After Month.How Does The Expected Value Equation Apply To Betting Horses?

Simply Stated, You Need To Only Bet When You Have An Advantage. You Have An Advantage When A Horse Is Undervalued By The Betting Public. Keep Reading To Learn More!The Best Advantage Possible Is Horse Racing Algorithms.

The Science Of Winnermetrics Has Shown That There Are Approximately 50 Statistically Significant Factors That Contribute To The Outcome Of Every Race. Some Races Have Many More Factors And Some Races Have Much Fewer Factors. It Is Hard To Imagine That Any Person Alive Could Effectively Assimilate All Of The Numerous Factors That Are Statistically Significant At One Time. To Make Matters Worse, The Factors Change From Race To Race.

To Make Matters Much Worse Every Factor Has To Be Correctly Weighted According To Its Relevance To The Outcome Of The Race. How Would A Bettor Even Know The Correct Factors And Weights For Every Horse In Every Race Let Alone Assimilate All Of That Extremely Valuable Information?Move Up To Hassle Free Horse Racing Algorithms.

Horse Racing Algorithms Are The Revolutionary Disruptors Sweeping Horse Racing Betting. Horse Racing Algorithms Have The Ability To Reliably Calculate The Correct Statistically Significant Factors And The Correct Weights For Each Factor For Every Horse In Every Race.

Horse Racing Algorithms Perform And Complete All Of The Mathematical Calculations And Give The Bettor The Answer Derived From All Of The Statistically Significant Factors That Will Contribute To The Outcome Of The Race. That Way There Is No Math Left For Anyone To Do.

The Only Thing Left To Do Is For Bettors To Watch The Tote Board And Make A Profit. Remember, In Order To Use The Expected Value Equation At The Race Track You Only Need To Know Two Things.

You Need To Know The Actual Post Time Odds Of Every Horse In The Race And Every Horse's Chances Of Winning The Race. The Algorithm Known As Optimal Odds Tells You A Very Accurate Estimate Of Every Horse's Chances Of Winning The Race. With The Optimal Odds Algorithm And The Tote Board You Have Everything You Need To Use The Expected Value Equation!

Now, Go Make Money Matter To You!The Answer Is Easy. The Science Of Winnermetrics Provides You With Optimal Odds. Optimal Odds Are Highly Accurate Win Probabilities For Every Horse In The Race Generated By Algorithms. All You Have To Do Is Compare The Optimal Odds With The Actual Post Time Odds For Your Horse. For Example, Let's Say You Think Horse #1 Has A Good Chance To Win The Race. So Far So Good. However, You Are Not Ready To Make A Bet.

The Real Question Is Whether You Will Make Money Long Term Betting Horse #1. To Answer The Question You Look At The Actual Post Time Odds And See Horse #1 Is Going Off at 1/1. Then You Look At Optimal Odds And See That Horse #1 Should Be At Least 2/1. The Critical Information Provided By Optimal Odds Tells You That Horse #1 Is Overbet Because The Actual Post Time Odds Are Much Less Than Optimal Odds. Therefore, If You Bet Horse #1 You Will Lose Money Long Term. Horse #1 Is Not Paying Fair Value.You Must Know Fair Value For Every Horse You Think Will Win Or You Will Lose.

The Mathematics Of Gambling Controls Whether You Win Or Lose Money Every Time You Place A Bet. If You Place A Bet When You Have An Advantage Then You Will Win Money Long Term. Optimal Odds Gives You The Critical Information You Need To Know Whether You Have An Advantage. If The Actual Post Time Odds Are Higher Than Optimal Odds Then You Have An Advantage.

The More Over Optimal Odds The More The Advantage. If You Place A Bet When The Actual Post Time Odds Are Too Low When Compared To Optimal Odds Then You Will Lose Money Long Term.

It Is Just That Simple.Algorithms Change Everything. There is one ugly beautiful TRUTH about horse racing betting.

The truth is simple and straight forward. The truth is undeniable. The truth is if you are reading this then you are almost certainly a loser over the long haul betting horses.

I was too and I found it very frustrating because I was so close. My biggest disappoinment was that I actually knew why I was losing betting horses and it had nothing to do with picking winners. The real answer is called mathematical expectation which is a gambling formula that predicts the long term outcome for the bet being considered. The UGLY TRUTH is that I had no idea how to deal with the mathematics of gambling or mathematical expectation and I also knew that mathematical expectation controlled whether I won or lost at betting horses. The TRUTH is ugly because you cannot escape the mathematics of gambling no matter what you do or how good you think you are at picking winning horses. Picking winners WILL NEVER make you a long term, consistent winner betting horses. ONLY making value bets will lead horse racing bettors to become long term, consistent winners.The BEAUTIFUL TRUTH Is That Horse Racing Bettors Can Use The Mathematics Of Gambling To Their Advantage In Horse Racing Betting.

All Horse Racing Bettors Need To Do Is Spot The Errors The Public Makes In Selecting Which Horses To Bet. Horse Racing Bettors Can Make Money Betting Against The Public When The Public Under Values A Horse. Horse Racing Bettors Will Make Money Betting Against The Public By Being Better Informed Than The Public. Knowledge Is King At The Race Track.The $64,000 question is how do horse racing bettors take advantage of the mathematics of gambling when horse racing betting? Here is the answer without getting too mathematical. There are four components of mathematical expectation.

They are: probability of winning, amount won, probability of losing, and amount lost. Applying the components to a win bet in horse racing the components are: The actual chances the horse will win, how much profit the horse racing bettor will make if the horse wins, the actual chances the horse will lose, and how much money the horse racing bettor will lose if the horse loses. The answer to the $64,000 question in horse racing betting is take ADVANTAGE of market inefficiencies created by the betting public.Here It Is In English. Horse racing betting is a pari mutuel system. Use of a pari mutuel system means there is a win pool of all the bets made by the public. The track takes its cut and returns the balance to the winning horse racing bettors. The key point is the public sets the payoffs for each horse in the race by the process of placing their bets.

The public makes MISTAKES from time to time. When the puiblic makes a mistake there is a market inefficiency.How Does the HORSE RACING BETTOR Take ADVANTAGE Of The Market Inefficiency? Make No Mistake! Bet Against The Public Using Your Superior Information Which Comes From Algorithms!How Does A Horse Racing Bettor Know If They Are Making A Value Bet?

Horse Race Handicapping And Making Money At The Race Track Is Possible If A Horse Racing Bettor Is Willing To Make A Sincere Promise To Themself. The Horse Racing Bettor Must Promise To Think Differently And Only Make Value Bets. A Value Bet Is When You Bet A Horse Which Has Actual Post Time Odds HIGHER Than The Actual Probability Of The Horse Winning The Race.

For Example, If The Horse Racing Bettor Has Established That The Horse They Want To Bet Has A 33% Chance Of Winning The Race Then Their Horse Should Be Going Off At 2/1 Because A 33% Chance Of Winning A Race Converts To Betting Odds Of 2/1. The Next Step For The Horse Racing Bettor Is To Look At The Tote Board. If The Actual Post Time Odds On Their Horse Is 4/1 Then The Horse Racing Bettor Has An Advantage Because The Public Has Undervalued Their Horse And Has Given Their Horse Only A 20% Chance of Winning. That Is A Market Inefficiency That The Horse Racing Bettor Can Make Money Betting Against. Betting On Their Horse To Win in Such A Situation Is How The Horse Racing Bettor Makes A Value Bet.Accuracy Is The Critical Key!The Horse Racing Bettor Absolutely Needs Very Accurate Estimates Of Their Horse's Actual Probability Of Winning The Race In Order To Take Advantage Of The Concept Of Market Inefficiencies. HORSE RACING ALGORITHMS ARE THE ANSWER! In The Old Days, Software Programs, Websites, Publications And Touts All Claimed To Have Really Good Estimates About A Horse's Chances Of Winning.

The Problem Is The Odds From The Various Sources Were Never An Accurate Enough Reflection Of Reality. Until Algorithms Came Along, All Of The Old Estimates Were Not Accurate Enough To Take Advantage Of Market Inefficiencies Betting At The Race Track!Science And Mathematics Have Found The Answer - Horse Racing Algorithms!Algorithms Are Accurate! Algorithms Analyze The Past To Predict The Future.

Public finance book by h l bhatia md. There Are Actually Patterns Hidden In All Of The Historical Data Of Tens Of Thousands Of Previously Run Horse Races. The Problem Is The Naked Eye Cannot See The Patterns Buried Deep In All Of The Historical Horse Racing Data. Nevertheless, The Patterns Are Definitely There.

The Science Of Winnermetrics Used Algorithms To Find The Hidden Patterns Present In Tens Of Thousands Of Historical Horse Racing Records. If A Horse Racing Bettor Truly Wants To Win At The Race Track Then They MUST Have Very Accurate Probability Of Winning Estimates For Every Horse In The Race. If Horse Racing Bettors Think They Can Avoid Using Very Accurate Probabilities Of Their Horse Winning The Race Then They Are Only Fooling Themself! A Very Accurate Probability Estimate Of The Chances Of Their Horse Winning The Race Is Absolutely Necessary For The Horse Racing Bettor To Win At The Horse Races!

Free Horse Racing Handicapping Methods

Very Accurate Probability Estimates Of The Chances Of A Horse Racing Bettor's Horse Winning The Race Can Only Come From Horse Racing Algorithms. The Science Of Winnermetrics Offers Well Researched, Proven Horse Racing Algorithms.The Science Of Winnermetrics Is Based On Predictive Analytics. Predictive Analytics Is The Practice Of Extracting Information From Existing Data Sets In Order To Determine Patterns And Predict Future Outcomes And Trends. Predictive Analytics Does Not Tell You What Will Happen In The Future. Rather, Predictive Analytics Forecasts What Might Happen In The Future With An Acceptable Level Of Reliability.

The Benefit To Horse Racing Bettors Is That Winnermetrics Has Performed All Of The Difficult Work For The Horse Racing Bettor. All The Horse Racing Bettor Has To Do Is Use Optimal Odds, Relative Strength Ratings And The Other Ratings To Take Advantage Of The Uninformed Horse Race Betting Public.The True Issue For The Horse Racing Bettor Is Whether They Really Want To Win Betting Horses!

The Horse Racing Bettor Only Has One Choice If They Truly Want To Win Money Betting On The Horse Races. Every Horse Racing Bettor Must Make Up Their Mind To Use Horse Racing Algorithms To Take Advantage Of Market Inefficiencies. Horse Racing Algorithms Provide Accurate And Reliable Probabilities Of Their Horse's Chances Of Winning The Race. All Horse Racing Bettors Have To Do To Take Advantage Of Market Inefficiencies Is To Use Horse Racing Algorithms And ONLY Bet Horses Whose Actual Post Time Odds Are At Least Double The Algorithm Odds For Their Horse. Winnermetrics Is The ONLY Source In The World For Highly Accurate Winnermetrics Optimal Odds Which Are Very Accurate Probability Of Winning Estimates For Every Horse In Every Race! When The Horse Racing Bettor Bets A Horse Whose Actual Post Time Odds Are Higher Than The Optimal Odds For The Horse Then The Horse Racing Bettor Automatically Takes Advantage Of Market Inefficiencies And Mathematical Expectation. It Really Is That Simple!Making Money Matter Makes Horse Racing Bettors Happy.

I have been a handicapper for over 20 years and currently use several expensive soft wares to handicap races. I have enjoyed moderate success in the past, but when I started incorporating your Winnermetrics data I have increased my win rate greatly. Your data was the missing puzzle I needed to bring it all together. I can't imagine handicapping without your Winnermetrics data.Keep up the great work Gary!!! Gary, that was one of the most insightful (webinar) sessions I've been a part of in my 45 years of playing horses. Breaking down how the race should set up with numbers that are accurate.

You won't hear me complaining about the number of columns ever again. I have a much clearer picture for how each is used and its benefit.

”Rose Ann D.' I am so thankful I joined webinar 3 for the Preakness special! It is simply amazing we were all told we will make our money on race 12!

The Preakness was race 13.' 'We went over the key factor rankings and RSR for race 12 of course.

But, then we went over the E ratings and it was explained how some races are paceless. Then we were told the most likely winners were #2 and # 5. We were told the most likely scenario for the race was one of the deep closers would pass the early leaders in the stretch. Since #2 had a good key factor 1 rank and 11 E rating that is who I focused on. I bet #2 to win and I keyed #2 in the exactas over the few likely early leaders based on the E rating. I am just so excited because #2 came up the rail to win and paid $16.20 to win.

On top of that #3 was one of the E horses and held on for second and paid $25 to place. I had the full exacta of $317.80 and one of my best days ever!

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The algorithm rankings are simply AMAZING! I am SOLD!”John K.' Tuesday was a good day at the track for me. I am on a fixed income so I started with a $40 original bankroll. At Finger Lakes I hit a 10-1 in race 8.That is good because Finger Lakes has a lot of favorites.'

“The horse had good key factors and E and I had previously noticed that price horses at Finger Lakes were going wire to wire or else out of the money. Later I hit a $36 horse and then a $32 exacta. No more playing horses without key factor rankings and RSR and the E rating for me!”Junior L.' What a GREAT Haskell Day @ Monmouth Park! It was so much more than exciting. I was having such a good week at Monmouth using the Algorithms my friends thought I was a genius.'

“First, I no longer bet every race and became selective in races. I enjoyed using the key factors and RSR because now I get such a good feel for the race. I don't even need the racing form anymore. The tote boards have been lighting up nice and bright! LOVING THE ALGORITHMS!”Juan O., International Racing Analyst, Caracas, Venezuela'All the Latins that follow their great stars in the International Horse Racing in the different tracks of The United States, we have in Winnermetrics Algorithm Factors an effective and useful tool to win a lot of money in the horse racing.I recommend to suscribe to Winnermetrics Algorithm Factors because.

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