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Katy Perry-Part Of Me

Katy Perry-Part Of Me

As Perry sits in her car gazing at her necklace, she notices her boyfriend cheating on her. She confronts him in his office and they break up. As the titular track begins; she drives to a gas station and buys a can of tea inside the shop. After paying for her items she notices a moto-sticker on the bulletin board; the sticker reads 'All women are created equal, then some become Marines'. Increasingly emotional, Perry gathers her possessions and enters a nearby restroom to begin to change her identity.

She cuts her hair and changes into a hoodie and jeans. Perry enlists in the United States Marine Corps and, after a brief scene in recruit training, she reports to the School of Infantry for the Marine Corps' rigorous basic combat instruction course. Perry eventually finds herself reminiscing over her experiences with her ex-boyfriend, yet remains spiteful towards him, burning a love note next to a LAV-25 and venting frustration through MCMAP, the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program.

What a documentary, missing the taste of being a movie, the 3D! No, it is not good, TERRIBLE is the word, to my ever lasting surprise, the previous documentary, of that thing called, Justin Bieber, was a better but not good, don't have faith in him that he will become a Seriously! What a documentary, missing the taste of being a movie, the 3D!


Katy Perry Documentary Full Movie

No, it is not good, TERRIBLE is the word, to my ever lasting surprise, the previous documentary, of that thing called, Justin Bieber, was a better but not good, don't have faith in him that he will become a legend, he will fall, there is no one better than Micheal Jackson, I love you Katy Perry, but this documentary, is not you, your movie about your life should be more entertaining, Sorry but ZERO without any question out of 10.