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Sample Soapui Pro Project Xml Download

While performing webservice/API testing, data validation and fields mapping with database plays a very important role. If there are numerous data fields in response which are coming from multiple tables based on various conditions it becomes very difficult to verify each field manually without human errors.All the validation rules and the response fields changes with every request, which makes it difficult to build a script which can be used to test all the requests.In addition to this there are conditional and optional tags and the value in response tags may not always be same as the value in database column. For example, there could be conditions which are specific to a field value of a specific request, if value in column is ‘Yes’ display ‘Y’ in response field.This article will help in developing a generalized groovy framework will be built which can be used to perform data validation of any given request with minimal code changes.Pre-installation process:1) Download Soap UI latest free version.Download jxl.jar file.Download oracle JDBC driverabove files have been downloaded. Copy jxl.jar and JDBC driver file to the following location:binSimilarly copy the driver file at the following location as well:C:Program FilesSmartBearSoapUI-5.3.0libRestart your SOAP UI when all the installation completes.A basic knowledge of API testing and groovy script is required.

The SoapUI project is the central point in all SoapUI testing. Once the project is created, the user can create and run functional tests, load tests, create mock services, and much more.In this chapter, we will discuss two things - How to −. Create a SOAP project. Add a WSDLCreate a SOAP ProjectStep 1 − In the navigator on the left side of the screen, right-click on the “Project” and select “New SOAP Project”.Or go to File and select New Soap Project.On selection, a new pop-up window opens -New Soap Project.Step 2 − Project Name: Enter a project name - it is the user input field. Initial WSDL: It is not mandatory.

It depends on the user. The user can provide WSDL or add after the creation of Project.In this case, we create a project and add the WSDL later.Step 3 − Click OK. It will create a new project and will be visible on the left side navigation panel.


Sample Soapui Project Download

Add a WSDLSOAP Projects are based on WSDL.