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Buku Metode Penelitian Kualitatif Karangan Suharsimi Arikunto

This study aims to (1) Figure out the existence of woodball sports organization in the province of Central Java. (2) Determine the efforts in the development of sports woodball conducted in IWbA Central Java Pengprov. (3) Find out of the status of human resources in Central Java Pengprov to develop sports woodball. (4) Knowing facilities and infrastructure owned by Central Java Pengprov. (5) Find out the source of funds by Central Java Pengpov’s excavation. (6) Knowing coaching achievements of woodball sports applied in Central Java Pengprov.

  1. Penelitian Kualitatif Dan Kuantitatif
  2. Buku Metode Penelitian Kualitatif Karangan Suharsimi Arikunto Dan
Metode penelitian kualitatif menurut sugiyono

This research was conducted in Indonesia Woodball Association (IWbA) and IWbA Central Java Pengprov. The method used was descriptive qualitative research with woodball Sports Development in Central Java province as subject of the research. Sources of data in the form of two data; first, interviews and records of the organization, human resources, infrastructure, funding and coaching achievements of the IWbA and administrators IWbA province of Central Java and the second data was from informants, they both were gained by using snowball sampling technique. Data collection techniques used in this research were examining the documents and archives (content analysis), in-depth interviews (in-depth interviewing) and observations (observation). The results showed that (1) Indonesia woodball association and IWbA Central Java Pengprov had an important role in the process of woodball sport development. (2) IWbA Central Java Pengprov had made various efforts to develop the sport woodball with socialization, training and coaching for coaches and athletes. (3) Human resources in Central Java IWbA Pengprov ranging from administrators, coaches and athletes also have the good potential and quality.

This is shown by the interest, talent and the many accomplishments achieved by athletes’ woodball in Central Java province. (4) Facilities and infrastructure owned by Pengprov Central Java were in accordance with the quality and quantity in the set. However, the use of the sports facilities, Pengprov IWbA Central Java still needed to work with several parties due to its less private facilities. (5) Excavation of funding sources were obtained from KONI and PB IWbA.

So far, the government had not participated in the development of sport woodball particularly in the areas of funding. (6) Pengprov IWbA Central Java did not maximize in fostering achievement. Limitations of funding resulted, several achievements coaching program had not done well, such as the lack of a training center athletes and junior athlete’s recruitment.Article visualizations. Bangun, Wilson. Industri Manajemen.

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Buku Metode Penelitian Kualitatif Karangan Suharsimi Arikunto Dan

Homewood.Wasis, D, D. Bermain Woodball. Semarang: Indonesia Woodball Association. Refbacks. There are currently no refbacks.Copyright (c) 2017 Mega Widya Putri, S. Sugiyanto, K.

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