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1 Cavalry Division
Hey All,I want to thank Frank Ursetti and Megan for all they do to help me get those trips off the Ground! Much thanks to the Crew Captain Jake Hensley, 2nd Captain Ryan “Birdie” Burdick on deck my old friend Shane Winton, Zack, Newcomer Ryan with Dustin Burkett picking up Slack in the Kitchen!!I want to Thank Michael “Wolfman”, My Okies Joeski and James that drove out and to Ying Lee, wow what a plethora of information and a great fisherman. Karen O, what a pleasure to fish with you Darlin’Thank you all for the last minute jump aboard!To all my Regular Anglers you are the best and make my trips what they are, god knows we all needed that time away from the rat race!We went to the shit show and seen all you guys out there where the YFT are biting. We did well, some better than others.
Fought off the guys that wanted to get personal and ended up with a fair amount of fish. Most casualties were personal problems ably a couple angler to angler losses, which is a great thing.Captain Jake is relentless on getting us in fish and keeping it going, what a pleasure to have my old friend running the boat I started chartering some 8 years ago.We decided that Saturday would be near impossible to stay in that zone so we opted to go offshore to a secret spot in the middle of the ocean for some yellowtail fishing. Those fish were beasts and when the larger models decided it was time to eat OMFG el rocks! We had 70 I think after the final tally! I have 2 kids on the bow that ended up with 11 or 12 each!It was a great trip like regular, great people and my new comers really worked out great. Couple newbies on board that fit right in, had a 3 Beautiful women on board that held their own, Karen O is the schnizzle to say the least. Thanks for jumping aboard and all you did on the trip!Ok Pics I am done yapping!Thanks for reading!!